
For my Soundscape, my idea is to have my two lives, intertwine but also battle for priority. What I mean by this is, my home life in Essex/East London and my University life in Lincoln. Whilst I am in Lincoln I feel like I’m being held back whilst I am here with how creative I can be, there’s only so much I can do whilst I am here and it is no where near as much as when I am in London. The creative freedom when I am in London makes me feel more free within creative either music or sounds. It even comes in to play when I go to watch live music, in Lincoln, there is only one decent music venue for live music, which I very much enjoy going to, however there isn’t live music on all the time in Lincoln. I love watching music and musicians do their thing, I enjoy watching how different musicians react to the audiences. In Lincoln this doesn’t happen enough for me. In London, there is live music on somewhere almost every night, there is more creative freedom in London, there’s more creative expression in London. So this is how both my lives contrast, it will very much be a frustration piece of how my two lives contrast and also how they connect. I will be looking for sounds that happen in both places, such as the live music, as well as the cathedral sounds; however I will also be recording sounds that contrast each other in both places, such as the train line sounds in Lincoln contrasting with the Tube sounds in London.

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