Blog post 3

On the week commencing of 6th February, I went down to London, I planned to do most of my London recordings on my iPhone, because I enjoyed the stylistic elements that it gave me, a sense of home recordings of home life, rather than the ‘professional’ sound I would get with using mics and recording equipment from Media Loans. I had a plan of what I wanted to record whilst I was in London, which I laid out in the last blog post, however, I also wanted to record some people having a conversation from my home town and some people talking in Lincoln so that in my piece there would be some different accents which would help people differentiate between my London life and my Lincoln life.  I spent the day travelling around London recording all the soundbites that I wanted to use, and it was rather successful.

However, when I got back to Lincoln and put all the sounds I had recorded from London onto my computer, none of them would play and the files were unfortunately corrupted. I spent about a week trying everything I could to try and get the back, I used my iMac, my MacBook, I used the iMacs in university, I tried my friends Apple computers as well as their Windows computers and nothing was working, so at this point I conceded and realised that the files would not be able to be recovered.

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